
About me

Hi! My name is Megan Bradner and I am a developer based in Fort Collins, Colorado.

When not programming, I enjoy spending my time listening to and creating music. I have loved performing since I was three years old and would serenade anyone who would listen with My Heart Will Go On from the Titanic. I grew up performing in musicals with a community theater group and went on to get a Bachelor of Science in Music from Southern Oregon University.

I took a computer science class in college as part of my general education requirements and had no idea that I'd walk out of it with the desire to make a career out of writing code. After college, I did a little bit of learning on my own but ultimately decided to get a formal education and took the Full Stack Development bootcamp with the PDX Code Guild. To say that my interest in coding caught me completely off guard would be an understatement but I've found that it's something I enjoy just as much as singing in front of a crowd.



Novel Idea

As someone who loves reading and enjoys sharing that love with other people, I wanted to create a website that would allow me to do that easily. Novel Idea gives readers a way to track the books they're reading, make comments about the book as they're reading it, and interact with the comments of other readers all around the world. Novel Idea uses the Google Books API to gather information about books and makes it easy for the user to store the book in the database and then mark it as currently reading, read, or want to read.




